Sunday, 31 July 2011

PS3 Multi Region DVD Player?

I have no idea if I am just lucky but my PS3 just played a region 1 disc quick happily. Didn't even make a sad noise.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Thunderbirds Review

[caption id="attachment_520" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Thunderbirds 2004 Movie Poster"]Thunderbirds (2004)[/caption]

Why Now?

Why am I reviewing a movie from 2004 that is currently running at 4.0 out of 10 at IMDb. Two reasons:

  1. It can now be found very cheaply in bargain buckets up and down the land. Watching a bad movie at the cinema for a lot of money is quite different from watching a bad £1.99 DVD at home.

  2. I have been made it watch it at least weekly by my four year old son weekly for what feels like the last 23 years, fnord!


[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="504" caption="Just For Fun"]Dawkinsosaurus[/caption]


Thursday, 28 July 2011

Guitar Hero Warriors Import Problem

Quick post here. Thanks to the forum member at the main Guitar Hero site that pointed out the blindingly obvious. The shop for my Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rawwk! Rock (PS3) has been offline. Leaving me unable (I thought) to import my songs from Guitar Hero 5.  Now despite the fact the songs I imported from Band Hero to GH5 showed up in GHWOR the solution still did not occur to me. Instead of repeatedly trying to import GH5 into GH:WOR all I had to do was import my GH5 songs into Band Hero.

It never occurred to me that I could import the songs from what I perceived as the main game into one of the adjunct games. From the looks of the site the games that support imported, and importing, songs are GH5/ Band Hero (basically the same game) and GH:WOR. Songs can not be imported down a gaming generation, so GH:WOR can not be imported into anything but GH:WOR can easily read songs that have been imported into earlier games.

The generations seem to be:
1st Gen: Guitar Hero World Tour. (Can be imported into GH5/BH)

2cd Gen: Smash Hits, Metallica, GH5/ Band Hero. (Songs from SH and Metallica can be exported into GH5/BH, GH5 and BH can import into one another)

3rd Gen: GH:Warriors of Rock. (Accepts imports from all earlier games)

The stores for GH5 and Band Hero still seem to be working fine alowing easy purchase of the import licenses. Also Band Hero can be picked up new for less than the second hand price.

Hopefully this will help someone who has been as daft as myself.


Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Zombiaki 2: Attack On Moscow Review [BGG]

Zombiaki 2: Attack On Moscow Review

This is my first review for BGG and is based on about four plays of the game with my better half.


Zombiaki II Attack On Moscow is a two player strategic card game between zombies and humans. One player plays the defending humans the other the attacking zombies. The human player wins by stopping the zombies from overcoming their defences. The zombie player wins by overcoming the human defences before dawn.